DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive

DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive

定價 $1,500 單價  每 

DEALBREKAER DB00988  ▌10mm-1
Exclusive Stainless Cuban Chain Bracelet

❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚

長度 Length |26cm( 18.5cm + 7.5cm )

寬度 Width |10mm

材質 Material|100% Stainless Steel 不鏽鋼



備註 Remarks|

▌ 下訂匯款後,約 1 週內取貨 

Pick up in 1 weeks after ordering and remitting.

▌由於商品皆為限量,為保障其他顧客優先購買權益,下訂後 48 小時內未匯款者,我們將自動取消您的訂單

Our products are limited. In order to protect preemptive right of other customers. If you haven't remitted within 48 hours after placing the order, we will cancel your order automatically.

DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive
DEALBREKAER ▌10mm-1 Exclusive